Make a Splash with Your Birds 💦

Tired of seeing the same ol' birds? Never! But, don’t we all get excited to see brand new birds in our backyards every now and then?

➡️ The number one thing you can do to attract the largest variety of new birds into your yard is to add a water source. 

Take a few moments to watch birds around water. They jump, they perch and they flutter their wings. They dance, they sing and do amazing things! Species that might not ordinarily visit a feeder will stop by a bird bath for a spritz or a splash. Robins may stay and play the day away. Mockingbirds, orioles, towhees, thrushes and warblers may visit for a quick drink or dip.

But a bird’s life is not all about play. A reliable source of clean water is indispensable for birds. Birds must be ready to fly at all times, and bathing is a critical part of maintaining feathers in top-flight condition. Water is also important for many birds to regulate their body temperature. Birds do not sweat and must remove excess body heat through their respiratory system, a reliable source of water is vital in helping them to replace fluids lost to this process.

You can offer water to birds in a variety of ways. It can be as simple as a bird bath or as elaborate as an artificial pool with rocks, plants and flowing water. There are misters and drippers that will add even more action and variety.

Whatever you choose, you are sure to broaden the roster of new birds visiting your yard, add hours of enjoyable bird watching for family and friends…all while providing a fun and essential necessity of life for your birds.

Now that is truly making a splash! 💛

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