
Feed the Birds, Not the Squirrels

🐿 Squirrels are part of a vibrant, outdoor habitat and it's possible to enjoy them and their antics, without feeding them from your bird feeder. We can help! Stop in and we'll tailor a solution for your backyard bird feeding station. 

Our Advanced Pole System® (APS) Squirrel Baffle

Designed to help make your bird feeding station squirrel-resistant. Made of durable, powder-coated steel, these baffles are very effective in stopping squirrels before they reach your feeders. Place the baffle on your setup so the top of the baffle is 4½' - 5' from the ground. Place your setup 10 ‘ away from other horizontal jumping points like a tree, deck or house.

The Eliminator™

Our favorite problem-solving bird feeder allows you to stop squirrels from eating your seed. Featuring a unique, weight-sensitive technology, the feeder's seed ports are closed when a squirrel touches the perch ring. You can set the sensitivity level to also exclude large birds. It's easy to hang and holds a lot of seed. 

Feeder Cages

Many of our bird feeders can be fitted with a cage. Enjoy seeing the finch, chickadees and other birds you enjoy visit your bird feeder while keeping squirrels and blackbirds out. Cages allow small birds to go in and out to get their food, but stop larger birds and animals from entering. 


High in protein and fat, most song birds eat safflower, while squirrels and blackbirds typically do not.

Hot Pepper Foods

Our exclusive WBU hot pepper foods help deter critters, saving the food for the birds. Birds love our hot pepper foods, whether they are the seed or no-melt cylinders, stackables, no-melt suet cake or Bark Butter Bits. For best results, use feeders that have a roof to prevent wet weather from diluting or washing away the hot pepper oils.